# Response

# Fields

The API response will be a JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
ipVersion int The IP version (e.g., 4 for IPv4).
ipAddress string The IP address for which geolocation information is provided.
latitude float The latitude coordinate of the IP address location.
longitude float The longitude coordinate of the IP address location.
countryName string The name of the country where the IP address is located.
countryCode string The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the IP address location.
timeZone string The time zone offset of the IP address location.
zipCode string The ZIP code or postal code of the IP address location.
cityName string The name of the city where the IP address is located.
regionName string The name of the region or state where the IP address is located.
continent string The name of the continent where the IP address is located.
continentCode string The ISO code of the continent where the IP address is located.
isProxy boolean It shows that if the IP is used as a public proxy or not.
currency object It shows the currency of the country
language string The language of the country
timeZones array A list of Timezones related to the same country
tlds array A list of TLDs of the country

# Status Codes

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Below are the common status codes returned by the API:

Status Code Description
200 OK - The request was successful and the response is valid.
422 Bad Request - The request was invalid or malformed.
404 Not Found - The requested resource was not found.
429 Too Many Requests - The rate limit for the API has been exceeded.
500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred on the server.

# Example Response

  "ipVersion": 4,
  "ipAddress": "",
  "latitude": 58.416588,
  "longitude": 15.616713,
  "countryName": "Sweden",
  "countryCode": "SE",
  "timeZone": "+02:00",
  "zipCode": "58957",
  "cityName": "Linkoping",
  "regionName": "Ostergotlands lan",
  "continent": "Europe",
  "continentCode": "EU"